〒104-0031 東京都中央区京橋1丁目10−3 KPP八重洲ビル
Registration is closed
Oedo RubyKaigi 05 is a regional RubyKaigi presented by Asakusa.rb members.
See http://regional.rubykaigi.org/oedo05/ for details.
If you are attendees from foreign country,
you do not need to pay the ticket fee.
Please contact to Koichi Sasada (ko1c-oedo05@atdot.net).
You need to sign up for the conference after party. Please see: https://asakusarb.doorkeeper.jp/events/32364
Asakusa.rb is probably the most active regional Rubyist group in Japan. We're having weekly meetup on every Ruby Tuesday evening at somewhere around Asakusa. So, if you have a chance to spend a day...
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